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Come, Rest...

and Practise Sabbath

We want to unlearn how society has ‘discipled’ us to accept the fast lane as the unquestioned norm. We want to lean into rest and renewal that makes us alive, alert and aligned with our creatureliness and our glory.


We want to practise Sabbath.



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Once a month,  we will make rest and renewal, alone and with others, a reality.


We will play games, have deeper conversations, share meals and also gather around to adore our Creator and Giver, listen and learn, love and lead each other to green pastures and quiet waters.


All breathing beings keen to practise the Sabbath are welcome to do this with us. 😀

Check back for the next session date and venue



Come anytime from 2.30pm

End by 8pm



Something that helps you rest & something to share with others

A journal and Bible

Personal cup/bottle

Ps Jenni is responding to a call of God to move the narrative in city-living towards a more life-giving tone. If you would like to support our movement, you may do so through:


  • Contact us through the email button below

  • Inviting others to join, yes! 


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